Sunday, October 23, 2011



The Hero With a Thousand Faces 
Joseph Campbell  
Third Edition 
Page 5

The unconscious sends all sorts of vapors, odd beings,
terrors, and deluding images up into the mind -

whether in dream, broad daylight, or insanity;

for the human kingdom,

beneath the floor of the comparatively neat
little dwelling that we call our consciousness,


goes down into unsuspected Aladdin caves.

There not only jewels

but also dangerous jinn abide:

the inconvenient or resisted psychological powers that 
we have not thought or dared to integrate into our lives.

And they may remain unsuspected,

or, on the other hand, some chance word, 

the smell of a landscape, 

the taste of a cup of tea,

or the glance of an eye may 
touch a magic spring,

and then dangerous messengers 
begin to appear in the brain.

These are dangerous because they 
threaten the fabric of the security

into which we have built ourselves and our family.

But they are fiendishly fascinating 
too, for they carry keys

that open the whole realm of the 
desired and feared adventure of
the discovery of the self.

 Destruction of the world that we 
have built and in which we live,

and of ourselves within it;

but then a wonderful reconstruction

of the bolder, cleaner, more 
spacious, and fully human life -

that is the lure,

the promise

and the terror,

of these disturbing night visitants from the 
mythological realm that we carry within.

The End