Friday, August 17, 2012

Celebrating Good Times

Yes, the Star Wars Heresies will be attending Celebration VI at the Orange County Convention Center in Or-Lando, Florida next week. Finally. For the first time ever. A ten year veteran of Dragoncon with no Celebration experience whatsoever. Shameful. Much like a droid, I seem to be made to suffer.

But soon that’s all going to change. While there are a million things to do, I have managed to scan the schedule for Thursday and Friday. Conflicts abound. No cloning technology available. Still, “Bottled Water and a Plan: Maximize Your Celebration VI Experience” Thursday morning seems like a no-brainer.

Obviously, Ian McDiarmid and Mark Hamill are a must. Not to mention Warwick Davis! The legend himself was scheduled for Dragoncon years ago but was unable to make it. Until he was announced for this, I was still carrying the dead weight of disappointment around in my heart. The red carpet premiere of The Clone Wars is another do-or-die one. Mix that in with and Forcecast party, digital screenings of all the movies, not to mention endless rounds of panels and podcasts, and another vacation will be needed after this one.

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure when I’ll be able to get near this blog again. There will no doubt be fun and insightful coverage, but probably not until I get back from Orlando. And then it just depends on whether or not I’m switching jobs (as in the real world variety) a week or two later.

Hopefully I can grow more proficient with my uncle’s camera, so there will be more pictures than you can shake an Ewok at. If any of you noble readers out there haven’t yet friended me on Facebook (Paul F. McDonald), do so now. I will certainly try to do some commentary and picture uploading for those who can’t make it.

As typical of my style, there will be some heresy spread. I’m considering doing a sneak preview CD-R of my book, complete with intro and sample chapters for certain members of the Star Wars social media machine. I will also be gathering with my fellow Lucas-loving blasphemers at the “Why We Love the Prequels” panel on Sunday, complete with luncheon afterward (though as I keep pointing out, I mean seriously, why not just name a panel “Why We Love Winning a Million Dollars” or “Why We Love Mind-Blowing Sex”?).

The schedule is amping up to insanity, but as some have already done, Facebook messaging is probably the best way to get in touch with me. Keep in mind, this is only for people who want to meet and say hello, not for people who want to punch me in the face. Or freeze me in carbonite – though that Disney thing is going to be awesome!

But anyway, wish all of you could be there. So many online friends I want to meet. On the other hand, so little time. And I personally do require food and sleep at these things. Dammit. Celebration really should be a week.

Amidst the heat and fun and inevitable chaos, I hope the Force is with us all. I have no doubt it’s going to be!

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